We have entered a digital era where screen time has increased dramatically. Although these advancements have enhanced how we work, play, and communicate, there are some concerns when it comes to our eyes. Understanding and preventing digital eyestrain can help you avoid discomfort and protect your vision. Join us as we explain digital eyestrain, the symptoms, and tips to keep your eyes healthy in a technologically progressive age.

What is digital eyestrain?:

Digital eyestrain encompasses various vision-related issues arising from the use of digital devices like computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers. As we participate in screen time for extended periods, our eyes constantly focus and refocus, which can result in discomfort and strain. The overall main contributing factors to digital eyestrain are:

  • Prolonged screen time: When spending long periods looking at a screen with no break, our eyes work overtime to maintain focus.
  • Blue light exposure: Digital screens emit high-energy blue light, which can penetrate the eye deeply, cause eye fatigue, and disrupt sleep patterns.
  • Screen glare and reflections: Glare caused by less-than-ideal lighting conditions and screen reflections puts added strain on our eyes as they struggle to decipher images.
  • Small text and fonts: Squinting to read smaller text or fonts can cause strain to the eyes.

Recognizing symptoms of digital eyestrain:

The symptoms of digital eyestrain include eye fatigue, dryness, redness, burning sensation, headaches, blurred vision, and discomfort in the neck and shoulders. When detected early on, discomfort or the progression of discomfort can be avoided. If you are experiencing symptoms of digital eyestrain, consider contacting your ophthalmologist.

Understanding the 20-20-20 rule:

The 20-20-20 rule is an effective preventive measure before symptoms arise. The 20-20-20 rule suggests taking a 20-second break every 20 minutes to focus on something 20 feet away to reduce eye strain and fatigue caused by prolonged screen use. This concept is easy yet effective when considering the health of your eyes and comfort.

Ergonomics and workspace optimization:

An eye-friendly workspace is a setup that prioritizes optimal vision comfort and reduces eye strain. It includes proper lighting, screen positioning at eye level, minimizing glare, and maintaining a comfortable working distance from the screen to promote healthy eye habits during long hours of computer use. Consider using an anti-glare screen protector to avoid reflections that can contribute to digital eyestrain.

Blue light protection:

The Sunglass Shoppe offers digital eyestrain lenses that filter harmful blue light, helping to keep your eyes protected and comfortable. Whether or not you have a prescription, you can benefit from this lens. Students have said that this has been a wonderful option for them.

Creating a digital detox routine:

Mindful screen usage and setting aside time for relaxation and outdoor activities are great ways to relieve your eyes from screens. This is an excellent option for those who work on computers and phones all day; consider avoiding screens for 1-2 hours after work each day. 

Digital eyestrain is a common challenge in our technology-driven world, but armed with knowledge and proactive measures, we can easily protect our eyes and enjoy digital experiences. Implementing simple yet effective prevention strategies ensures your eyes remain vibrant and healthy as you tackle the next school year or any screen-filled endeavor. Prioritize your ocular well-being, and let your vision shine! The Sunglass Shoppe offers digital eyestrain lenses whether or not you have a prescription. Stop by one of our optical locations in Petoskey and Traverse City to learn more!