The big question is, what are blue light glasses? If you haven’t heard of blue light glasses before, they are eyeglasses that have filtering materials or a special coating on the lenses that block out a portion of blue light that is emitted from digital screens.
Did you know that blue light is emitted from digital screens and can cause eye fatigue, dry eyes, blurred vision, and headaches?
What is Blue Light?
Blue light is a color in the light spectrum that is seen by the human eye. It is a short wavelength, which suggests it produces higher amounts of energy. Blue light can come in natural light forms, which is why the sky appears blue to the human eye. Artificial blue light is a light emitted from digital screens like computers, smart-phones, and television.

Many brands offer blue light filtering glasses, like these stylish glasses from eyebobs.
As stated on eyebobs website, “70% of Americans suffer from headaches, dry eye and restlessness due to digital eye fatigue” and blue light glasses are said to be a solution for those that are on their computer or smartphone often.
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